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Top 10 things NOT to say to an Air Force spouse who's loved one is deployed/deploying (And what to say INSTEAD)

In my husband's 14 years of military service we have heard some interesting/comical commentary about him deploying! So hold on tight, because I had a little help from my fellow Travis wives to compile this list: TOP 10 THINGS NOT TO SAY TO AN AIR FORCE SPOUSE WHO'S LOVED ONE IS DEPLOYED. (And what to say instead ;)) 1. "You're so lucky your spouse is in the AIR FORCE, they have super short deployments!" Instead say: "No matter how long they're gone, deployments are still hard. Thinking of you!" 2. "My cousin's uncle's sister's brother deployed for 18 months, so you really can't complain." Instead say: "Will be thinking of you guys!" 3. "My spouse could never be gone that long, they would miss us too much!" Instead say: "since my spouse is often home, how can we help you??" 4. "Will your spouse be killing people?" (My husband is a NURSE, so I surely hope not...

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