Easter Basket Ideas

Easter is coming up! We're about 2.5 weeks away?? But if you have amazon prime you have PLENTY of time to arrange some epic Easter baskets for your kiddos. And if you don't have Amazon Prime.... you really need to jump on that bandwagon.

I have compiled a list here of what we are doing for our kids this year (and just fun ideas in general). Their ages are 6.5, 4.5, and 2!

I got a few of these ideas from Andrea over at Momfessionals, you should definitely follow her on insta.

1. Jammies! As the weather warms up my kids always need new jammies. Get them at Kohls and you'll get Kohl's cash, even better! 

2. Natives! I found them the cheapest on Amazon. These are great because they're cute enough for church but wash up really well!

3. Audio books! Great for the car or at home for "rest time." I found some great ones at Barnes N' Noble

4. Chalk... can you even have Easter without chalk? (joking of course). 

5. Dye free Easter candy. We try very hard to stay away from artificial dyes/gluten/corn syrup!

6. Another idea I LOVE and that we've done in years past, are personalized Jellycat bunnies!

7. Art supplies! My kids go through art supplies like crazy, they love watercolor paints and brushes, nice markers, fun pens etc. 

8. Board books for the toddler/baby. We love Usborne's "Thats Not My" books! I linked B&N here but if you have a friend who sells it, buy it from them!

9. Schleich animals! Or the Terra brand from Target (way cheaper). My kids are obsessed with these and play with them all day!

10. If you have a special needs child or a child with sensory issues we LOVE these chewy necklaces

Maybe this seems like an expensive list for Easter baskets... but I personally do not want a bunch of cheap items we will throw away in a month ;-) hope you enjoyed this list!

